Sharon Ferrer Tresaco

My name is Sharon,
founder of Natural Tempos

Same as you, I am a caregiver and guide.
Moreover, I am an educator, nutritionist and canine therapist.

Bachelor in Pedagogy and veterinary technician as a background, I graduated more than twenty years ago. My professional career was developed in different areas, and I collaborated in many training projects in the business area.

In the last years I have completed my educational path in canine nutrition, ethology, canine education and behavior consulting, and small animal physiotherapy. I am also a certified canine therapist with training in craniosacral techniques, myofunctional, fascial, shiatsu and lymphatic massages, kineseological tapping, tellington ttouch, Galen therapy, Bowen technique and energy therapies; reiki and Bach flowers.

I like to think about me as an eternal student, I enjoy learning and I always have a course going on.


As a child, I did not want to be a pedagogue, I wanted to be a veterinarian. Something more usual. Only over time did I realize that the fact that you love to be surrounded by dogs is perhaps not such a compelling reason.

educadora canina perros

I have shared my life with
precious and incredible dogs

Everyone with their own personlaty, as it is normal, their skills as well as their difficulties

In 2013 I said goodbye to Chester, a Golden Retriever, who left at the age of 10, too soon. I always had doubts, but now I am certain that I could have done more, and could have lived much longer if I had had more knowledge of canine communication, education, emotions and above all, nutrition.

When after a while I adopted Klaus, I didn’t know how my life was going to change. But I did know that I was going to do everything possible so that he lived healthy and in balance. And I soon realized that it was not going to be that easy.

So, I started learning about natural nutrition and decided to become certified as a canine nutritionist and qualified as a Veterinary Technical Assistant. I also trained in canine education, behavior and psychology. The numerous current approaches in canine education and training, and the speed with which new concepts and studies are incorporated, made me interested in this area globally, and from different prisms.

My work approach was only defined after training in various schools and organizations. From this step I have been able to filter methodologies (and discard others) that fit with an education for coexistence based on respect for the dog and its nature. Putting your needs and well-being at the center, taking them to the maximum expression. And understanding that only by guaranteeing them, we can help to have healthy and balanced dogs, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am committed to offering the dog freedom of thought and action, which is not at odds with the establishment of limits. For giving him plots of autonomy that allow him to develop his cognitive and emotional capacities, make decisions and enjoy a full and dignified life.

Educational aspects that result in a harmonious coexistence in the home and community.

In my way of working, I try to improve the well-being of the dog and their people, analyzing its external and internal environment to find the origin of possible imbalances that are causing health or behavioral problems. I propose modifications of these environments through environmental and dietary changes and defining educational programs that include the application of therapies as tools to favor and recover internal balance.

I reject aversives and tools that cause damage or stress to the dog, physically or emotionally, since it seems to me unnecessary and counterproductive for learning to take place, especially when there are respectful techniques.

educadora canina pastor alemán

University studies in Psychoneuroimmonology and neuroscience

It was basic to elaborate a more holistic and global vision

Understanding the impact that emotions have on physiological and mental processes and how they are key to maintaining or restoring balance and health, also of people.

In the search for this balance, I found some complementary natural therapies of proven efficacy, such as the Tellignton Ttouch method (based on the Feldenkrais method), myofunctional techniques, animal craniosacral therapy, kinesthetic taping, Bowen technique. And other energy therapies such as Bach flowers and Reiki for animals.

All this knowledge has been basic in my personal and professional life and it is what I transmit in my courses and counseling sessions. Techniques and methods explained in a simple and practical way, that allow you to live happily and in peace. Creating a safer, healthier environment and a relationship with your dog based on respect and trust.

Formal training

I want to take opportunity of this space to mention the programs and courses in which I have participated, and to thank the universities, organizations, schools, as well as their professors and tutors, for their support and dedication. Learning has enriched me, even if I don’t share the same approach or work methodologies with everyone.

*Diploma in Galen Myotherapy (going on)
*Diploma in Canine Behavior (ISCP)
*Animal Behavior Consulting (IAABC Foundation Program)
*Canine Education. Level I and II (Nordic Education Center for Dog Trainers)
*Applied Canine Ethology Program CACE (Ethlogy Institute)
*University Expert in Small Animal Physiotherapy (Cardenal Herrera University)
*Diploma in Canine Nutrition (ISCP. International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour)
*Certificate in Natural Animal Nutrition (CIVT. College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies)
*Specialist in Advanced Nutrition, Raw Food and Pet Food (DNM University)
*Bach Flowers Practitioner (Bach Centre) 
*Certificate in Craniosacral Therapy (Holistic Animal Studies)
*Certificate in Canine Myofunctional Manipulative Massage (Holistic Animals Studies)
*Master Animal Reiki (Holistic Animal Studies)
*Tellington Ttouch Practitioner Program (Tellington Ttouch Method)
*Bowen Technique Practitioner Program (Canine Bowen Institute)
*University Expert in Psychoneuroimmunology (Cardenal Herrera University)
*Emotional Therapist Program (Emotional Freedom School)
*Expert in psychology and canine behavior modification (Euroinnova Training)
*Veterinary Technical Assistant (Insituto de Estudios Superiores)
*Degree in Pedagogy (Rovira i Virgili University)